Tuesday, April 2, 2013

March Update

March was a busy but fun month for our family.  David was gone to Oaxaca, Mexico the first part of March.    Then we had our official "Spring Break" from classes/training March 18-22.  We didn't do anything special for Spring Break but enjoyed a full week of just being home together as a family and resting.  
My family (Gretta's) came from Alabama to visit us the following week.  They actually arrived on my birthday, March 24th and were here on campus with us for 6 days.  My parents had previously visited back in September but this time my sister, brother-in-law and our 17 month old nephew were able to come too.  My parents stayed at our apartment with us and my sister, brother-in-law and nephew stayed at the speaker's apartment here on campus.  It was great having them all right here experiencing campus life with us, introducing them to our campus and church family here in Texas and getting to show them around down here in south Texas too.  
Lord willing, I will be joining David and our team as we travel to "Village M" later this month.  One of the instructor's wives has graciously offered to keep all 3 of our children here at our apartment during the trip so that I can go into Mexico with David and our team. I am really looking forward to this trip and excited to experience "Village M" personally. We have some specific prayer requests regarding "Village M" that we would appreciate you lifting up in your prayer time as well.

  1. Pray for Urbano.  The team had the opportunity to share the gospel with him and he has begun asking more questions about what he is reading.  He seems to be understanding more clearly. Pray for salvation for Urbano.
  2. The cartel is becoming more active and making their presence known in "Village M" more heavily now.  Please pray for strength and protection for the believers in this village. 
  3. Due to the increased cartel activity, the house our team has been staying at is no longer available.  The man who owns the home is not a believer but he has been allowing our team to stay there each month.  He has asked that we no longer use the house when we come each month because he is afraid of the cartel.  Please pray for Mr. V that the Lord will continue to work on his heart and that he will desire a personal relationship with Jesus Christ too.  
  4. Pray for the people of "Village M" that their hearts will be softened to the gospel message we are bringing to them each month, that their ears will be open and their hearts will be receptive.  
  5. Pray for our team as we go into "Village M" this month.  Pray that God would grant us protection from the schemes of the enemy during our trip.  Pray for our children and the sweet lady caring for them as David & I will be both going to "Village M" this month.  
Thank you to each of you for your prayers, emails, notes of encouragement and financial investment in our mission work.  We praise the Lord that He is using you and us in this way to accomplish His purposes.  It is a privilege and a joy to be involved in the Lord's work with you.  

Want to support us financially?
Select "Johns, David and Gretta" on the drop-down menu next to Gift Designation

"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.  For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God."  - Romans 8:18-19


  1. Sounds dangerous, but God is able. Praying for you and your family, Gretta.

  2. David and Gretta: I will be praying for these requests. May He help you reach the hearts that need it most, grant you peace, wisdom and protection. God bless you!
