Today we traveled to Gardendale First Baptist to worship there and to get to hear David Sitton, President of To Every Tribe (our mission board) speak during Sunday school. David delivered a powerful message that showed the need for taking the Gospel to unreached people groups, showed the difference in unevangelized and unreached people groups and challenged us with the words of scripture found in Matthew 9:35-10:1. He reminded us that we all have a role in missions....some are the "goers" the ones who take up the call themselves to pierce these areas of darkness with the Gospel, some are the "senders" who help get the "goers" on the field through prayer or by being a financial martyr to help send missionaries by financially supporting their work. No matter what role you take on, we all have a part to play in mission work.
After church, we enjoyed a fantastic lunch at Jim & Nick's BBQ with David and 4 members of the board of directors of To Every Tribe. Not only did we enjoy delicious food but we got to spend about 2 hours talking with them personally. We had a great time laughing together, sharing and being encouraged by them as we learned more about the ministry and the needs throughout the world. We are now even more excited to be moving to Los Fresnos, TX in just a few months to begin our missions training.
We are praising God for those of you who have already financially sacrificed to help support us and our upcoming mission work. To date, we have raised $1200 toward our mission work and we thank you for your financial contributions and sacrifices so far! We still have a long way to go before we move. At present, we still need to cover the remaining tuition costs: $12,500 and we still need monthly supporters to help cover monthly living expenses/on-campus housing. Would you prayerfully consider being a financial martyr and helping support our mission efforts with To Every Tribe? You can donate online (choose our name: Johns, David & Gretta under gift designation) or you can email us at and we will be happy to send you more information about how you can partner with us as well.
Our prayer cards have arrived also and if you would like one of those, please email us as well and we will be glad to send you one in the mail. These are great to post somewhere that you will see them frequently so you can be reminded to pray for us, our mission work and the ministries of To Every Tribe on a daily basis. Even if you can't financially support us, we'd love to have you on our "prayer team" praying for us each day!
Thank you for praying for our family as we seek to follow God's calling in our lives and we can't wait to be updating you from south Texas in just a few months! Also, take just a moment and watch this great video: Jesus is worth it!